Last weekend, December 9th, Dad passed away with many of us surrounding him, urging him on to his next great adventure with God. Here's a small snippet out of our life with Charlie:
Just opened a small yarn shop in Gaylord, Michigan. I'm a complete and TOTAL KNITAHOLIC!
Last weekend, December 9th, Dad passed away with many of us surrounding him, urging him on to his next great adventure with God. Here's a small snippet out of our life with Charlie:
![]() What (might you ask) is this? It's pretty obvious when you see it in context. (Click HERE to get the whole picture.) This was found after returning from kayaking the Jordan River last Sunday. Can you say "OUCH"?!? |
![]() Last Friday found us on the beautiful Jordan River where a dozen hearty souls enjoyed kayaking and canoeing on one of the hottest days of the year. It may have been in the 90's, but we were cool and comfortable making our way down the very cold river. Some of the guys went ahead (the boys had to reconnoiter their ambush spots -- poor Meg) while we women took our time enjoying the peace and quiet of a wonderful day. Thanks, Sarah, for arranging such a great afternoon! Here's a few "action shots" from our adventure: Album. |
In case you didn't know it (and, heck, why would you?), I'm from a pretty big family -- 10 sibs; eight of them being the boy kind and the rest girls. That makes -- right -- 11 of us. The only reason I'm even bringing this up is because it's June. I love June. But there are eight birthdays in June. Eight! I'm not exactly complaining about them. I'm glad each of them were born and all. But have you any idea how hard it is to keep up? There used to be two anniversaries in June, but, well, now there aren't, if you get my drift. Anyway, I'm just saying I'm really thankful for E-cards. I put everyone on Hallmark's email reminder list. It took me weeks. But now I just add 'em as they come. It's SO handy! And the nice thing is I can do them all at once and set the date to send them, and people actually think I'm doing this all month long! So, ya know, I have that goin' for me. |
Yup. I'm a little distracted. It's countdown to the wedding, of course. But it's also countdown to our west coast company arriving (6 days!), and it's countdown to our youngest's high school graduation. But that's a whole week after the wedding, so, you know, I've got that goin' for me. Have you ever been just a bit paralyzed by the sheer number of things you want to get done? Has someone ever compared your look to "a deer in the headlights"? The groom-to-be is moving home tomorrow (along with his cat Gregor), and with him usually come "the guys." Don't get me wrong. I love "the guys." Known 'em forever. It's just that I'm a bit distracted. And if I have enough distractions, there is total inaction on my part on what needs to be done. Sort of like if I just ignore it all, it'll magically be done next time I look. I feel a bit like Scarlett O'Hara: "Fiddle-dee-dee. I'll worry about that tomorrow!" |
Yeah. On second thought, I should mention we tried that shower thing (see post below) for already-marrieds quite awhile back. It was great for the first married couple at their 15-year anniversary. By the time the second couple had made it to 10 years, nobody seemed all that interested in spending the $$ on a shower. When the third and fourth couples reached their milestone, number 1 couple was divorced. Kind of put a damper on future shower events. I'm just saying, it sounded like a good idea at the time. We're going on 28 years of bledded wiss. So, you know, I've got that going for me. |
Okay. I've added a cute little ticker countdown to -- well, I suppose to add to my stress levels! (I wonder if they have one for stress levels!) Another shower for K & A gifted the kids with some beautiful items from their registries. Lucky ducks! I once had an idea that we should give anniversary showers for couples married 10, 20, 30 years. Wouldn't that be a great idea? You know what you like, you know what you use, you know what you need -- or what needs replacing -- and it kind of rejuvinates things for the old married couple. It doesn't have to be extravagant; just fun, And with the divorce stats the way they are, hey, one more incentive to stick with it (at least until after the milestone,) might not be a bad idea! Everybody likes new stuff! So next on the agenda is meetings regarding music and seating, then another hair appointment (not sure I liked how the last one went), and then PROM for Senior-Boy. LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN! |
![]() Yup. I found my dress for the upcoming nuptials of our eldest son in May. If you've read any of the previous posts regarding that most disturbing of shopping experiences, you'll know that this wasn't nearly as fun as it seems like it should have been; you know, going from dress store to dress store, trying on gown after gown, getting a full-length look at that aging body in bad lighting. Yeah; you catch my drift. It was definitely not for the faint of heart. But after pretty much exhausting every "local" dress shop (as in within a 75-mile radius), I found a very beautiful dress from the Mon Cheri, Montage line that is not quite so MOG-ish. In fact, the blurb on their site actually says, "For that Mother of the Bride who doesn't want to look like the Mother of the Bride" -- or Groom, as it were. I'd post a picture of it here, but then you might think I'm actually supposed to look like the model who's wearing it. Since the models in the photo are in their 20's, that's not gonna happen. I've got the Spanx, I've got the Miss Groovy undergarment. I'll just leave it to your imagination that I'll look ... well, at least not quite MOG-ish. |
Life really does begin after 45, it seems. And if you want the proof, here's a recent report from the Journal of Advanced Nursing, in which researchers from the College of Nursing at Arizona State University measured the stress levels and personality traits of 299 women of various ages. What they found is encouraging:
Meet Sadie, (above) the newest member of our family! We rescued Sadie from the local shelter. She's a four-year-old Spitz mix (which would account for the wolf-like appearance) who was not treated well by her former owner. She was left outside on a chain and has not been socialized at all. She is timid and fearful of strangers, loud talk, big men, and unfamiliar noise. She doesn't bark, doesn't know how to play, but she has a heart of gold and has stolen mine. She's totally devoted to me and is at my feet constantly, mostly lying down keeping my toes warm. I know she'll eventually come around, because her need to please is more than obvious. She seems eager to learn, and every day she opens up a little more. It hasn't even been a week, and already our cat, Cali (see other posts), has accepted her, which is amazing since Cali hasn't accepted another animal in the house in over 14 years. Could it be she senses a wounded soul? |
![]() Yes, I'm afraid I could get used to not hauling layers of Thermafill in my outerware. And sandals! You could probably wear sandals MOST OF THE TIME! (Think of the money I'd be spending on pedicures, though.) You're outside more, too, and that HAS to be good for you. Where we were in Houston (right by the airport) the scenery left a bit to be desired, but I'm sure once you head north a ways past the 'burbs, it's probably quite nice. Anyway, though the time was short, it was well-spent. I needed that. And I could use it again. |
A perfect parent is a person with excellent child-rearing theories and no actual children. ~ Dave Barry There's nothing so tragic as seeing a family pulled apart by something as simple as a pack of wolves. ~ Jack Handey To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. ~ Unknown Beware of running with scissors and other pointy objects. It's all good fun until someone loses an eye. ~ Jack Handey Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. ~ Faith Whittlesey The loneliest woman in the world is a woman without a close woman friend. ~ George Santayana For two people in a marriage to live together day after day is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked. ~ Bill Cosby Laughter rises out of tragedy, when you need it the most, and rewards you for your courage. ~ Erma Bombeck It takes a village to raise a child. ~ Unknown Suppose you were an idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. ~ Mark Twain People will forget what you say. People will forget what you do. But people will never forget how you made them feel. ~ Unknown It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. ~ Mark Twain My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk until I faint. ~ Erma Bombeck If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning. ~Catherine Aird The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. ~Mark Twain Life is difficult. This is a great truth; one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult - once we truly understand and accept it - then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. ~ M Scott Peck Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. ~Unknown |