In case you didn't know it (and, heck, why would you?), I'm from a pretty big family -- 10 sibs; eight of them being the boy kind and the rest girls. That makes -- right -- 11 of us. The only reason I'm even bringing this up is because it's June. I love June. But there are eight birthdays in June. Eight! I'm not exactly complaining about them. I'm glad each of them were born and all. But have you any idea how hard it is to keep up? There used to be two anniversaries in June, but, well, now there aren't, if you get my drift. Anyway, I'm just saying I'm really thankful for E-cards. I put everyone on Hallmark's email reminder list. It took me weeks. But now I just add 'em as they come. It's SO handy! And the nice thing is I can do them all at once and set the date to send them, and people actually think I'm doing this all month long! So, ya know, I have that goin' for me. |
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