All righty, then. Seems I've been missed. Hard for me to believe, even if only one person missed me. But you, my loyal reader, have been heard.
It's Thursday. I know it's Thursday because I had my 'BIG NIGHT OUT' with my fellow Red Hatters at our annual Christmas get-together. What a lovely way to spend an evening. Of course, getting there was a challenge because I had to bring a gift to pass. Seems like that shouldn't be that big a deal seeing as it is the gift-buying season. So, okay. I had the gift. But before I could leave, I had to wrap it. With a bow. Ever try finding a nice Christmas bow in a Michigan basement? A bow that doesn't reek of kitty litter and carry extra strings of webbing? Our basement is about five blocks high. Maybe six. It's maybe 12-foot square, and it holds -- get this -- our furnace, humidifier, water heater, cat box and bed, leftover paint cans, vintage luggage (I say "vintage" because I can hardly recognize it for the dust), wrapping paper, Easter baskets, and various other sundries covered with dust and webs. Suffice it to say, it ain't pretty.
But I digress.
Finding a lovely bow turned out to be the easy part. Getting the gift wrapped while trying to give my unplanned guest the hint that I was in a hurry to leave was challenged only by my cell phone ringing quickly followed by my home phone ringing. I was pretty popular around 5:15 this evening. Even my normally aloof cat was rubbing against my leg insisting I feed her yet again this week. Waving my guest away with the wish for a safe drive, I ran up the stairs to find something "Christmas-y" to wear and put my eyebrows back on. (I won't even mention the phone call from the gal to whose home I was headed asking me, "Is the party tonight?" She's in way worse shape than me.) I grabbed my red hat, bounded down the stairs, headed for the door, remembering at the last minute I might want to bring that gift I wrapped. Oh, and my coat. I threw my gift in a bag along with my purse, loaded my arm with three more little bags of things I needed to bring, and then headed again for the door, only to stop short realizing I had to move the wet jeans from the washer to the dryer. Heaven forbid I put down the bags. Finally getting myself into the car, I remembered my camera, ran back into the house to retrieve it, slammed a couple doors on my way out, and breathed a HUGH sigh of relief that I could DO NOTHING for a couple hours. More later. |